Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's My Birthday!!!

O.K. It's official. I am a senior citizen and on Medicare (actually it started the first of the month). I am really quite proud of the fact that I have reached this age and still feel good (well, most of the time) and am generally healthy. In fact, I went to the doctor (gyn)yesterday and plan to see my medical doctor soon. I have no special plans for the day, not even volunteering.

The weather today is chilly and it even sleeted this morning. It's the closest thing we've had to snow this year and I am really thankful for that.

I want to tell all my family how much I love them. It's so good to know that we are all there for each other, something that is not true for all families.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I do a blog for our Family History Center as a way of disseminating information about research and classes we teach at the center. Both Melissa and Heather do a blog and it helps me keep up with their little chicks. Cassie is too busy to spend time doing a blog right now. Maybe someday she will.

    I spend so much time on the computer as it is and don't have a lot I feel is very interesting to other people to share and I don't take pictures. So my blog would be rather boring to most.

    I am proud of you for taking this step and will add it to my favorites list so I can visit often.
    Wish you were coming to Flagstaff to visit. Not much chance I will get back to B'ham in the near future--by choice.
